mick foley artinya
- mick foley
- mick: polis
- foley (filmmaking): foley (pembuatan film)
- mick doohan: michael doohan
- mick jagger: mick jagger; michael philip jagger; jagger
- james foley (journalist): james wright foley
- jeremy foley (actor): jeremy foley (aktor)
- films directed by mick garris: film yang disutradarai mick garris
- films directed by mick jackson: film yang disutradarai mick jackson
- the mick (tv series): the mick (siri tv); the mick (seri tv)
- micius quantum prize: penghargaan kuantum micius
- mick kearns (footballer, born 1938): mick kearns
- The following week on the July 18 episode of Raw, the commissioners introduced Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan as the general managers of Raw and SmackDown, respectively.
Pada minggu berikutnya di episode 18 Juli untuk Raw, para komisioner memperkenalkan Mick Foley dan Daniel Bryan sebagai manajer umum dari Raw dan SmackDown, secara resmi.